High School Student Workforce Reference Guide
Before You Start Your Job Search, Consider:
- Consider what you would like to do for a job
- Make a list of places you would like to work and find out how to apply; ask about the minimum hiring age!
- Take some time to explore job options in your local community
- Get your paperwork and documentation in order (resume, work history dates, academic accomplishments, community service activities)
- Establish a working email address (if you don't have one already) and check your email frequently
- Apply for jobs-Remember: the more you apply, the better your chances of getting an interview!
- Practice interview skills with a trusted adult
How to Find a Job:
- Check with your counselor and ask how they can assist with your job search.
- Tell everyone you know that you're looking for work. Speak with teachers, family, coaches, friends, parents of friends - anyone and everyone you can think of; ask for help. Most jobs are found through referrals, and people you know are often happy to assist.
Online Job Searching:
- Employers in fields like retail and hospitality often are very interested in hiring teens and are willing to provide training. Search by the category of employment you're interested in. This will generate some more leads. These types of employers often don't advertise, so check with the stores or restaurants in your town to see if they have openings.
Job Interview Tips:
- Dress appropriately
- Be ready to complete an application (use blue or black ink only!)
- Be prepared for an on-the-spot interview
- See "Interview tips for high school students" (link below) that includes questions and appropriate answers-prepare, practice and present your best self during an interview!
Supporting Documents and Links