Economic Development
- Mission: The mission of the Fort Madison Economic Development Corporation (FMEDC) is To grow the economy of Fort Madison by retaining, enhancing and attracting diverse employment opportunities.
- Vision: The vision of the Fort Madison Economic Development Corporation (FMEDC) To be recognized as the driving force behind the growth of jobs, new residents and enhanced quality of life in Fort Madison.
The Fort Madison Economic Development Corporation has three strategic goals:
- Retain and create primary and secondary jobs in Fort Madison which generate new earnings and capital investment.
- Sustain public-private partnerships that provide leadership, involvement and investment for economic development in Fort Madison.
Economic development may be defined as a process by which a community creates, retains and reinvests wealth and improves the quality of life.
- Strengthen and maximize relationships between Fort Madison and its local, regional, state and federal partners which create the infrastructure for community and economic development.